Creating a Virtual Ensemble
MMEA Back-to-School Virtual Clinic (2020)
This presentation is about creating virtual ensemble videos to publish on YouTube.
Alternate Rehearsal Strategies
NWMBDA (2020)
Need to bust the rut. Consider these classroom management tips and seating adjustments to help change things up in your rehearsals.
Recruit and Retain
NWMBDA (2020)
Our programs are dependent on recruiting students and keeping them in our program. Here are some strategies on approaching both these topics.
Student Travel
Community Presentation (2020)
We travel in education to learn, to have fun, and to represent/honor our community.
Music Advocacy
Community Presentation (2017)
Advocacy is paramount in our field. This presentation is full of talking points for a community conversation on the importance of music education in our schools.
iPad iDeas
MMEA (2012)
iPads and other tablets are flexible devices that can carry many tools for the music educator. This handout is full of Apps and ideas on uses for tablets in the music classroom.