Summer Planning (Season 2)
I’m working on a wrap-up for season 1. Very short but I want to thank everyone for their support, talk about the upcoming season, and give a short tour of the space I call my studio. I had my first interview for season 2 and it was fantastic. Can’t wait to release it but it’s going to have to wait. Need to enjoy the summer before I spend time editing that great conversation.
Asking Questions…
I love asking students questions.
Sometimes I ask questions that direct their ears towards something in the music…
Where is the melody?
Sometimes I ask questions that make them think about the emotions or colors of the music?
Is this moment happy?
How did the composer make us feel anxious here?
But, mostly, I love to ask questions that help me get to know my students. This year I have written one question from Proust’s Questionnaire (edited and adapted for my students) and asked students to respond. It has been great. Here is my understanding of the questionnaire. Proust developed these questions as a way to develop character in writing. He felt that an author should be able to ask all of these questions about their character. I’ve already added some of my own. “What is a totally useless superpower?” or “If you could an animal what would you be?”
I have found these questions to give great insight on my students. I’ve picked up on issues at home. I’ve learned about moments of great pride. We connect, we laugh and we enjoy each other.
Today, as I was prepping to teach my distance learners I realized something….I haven’t really done this with them. Yes, we take time to small talk but it’s just not the same. So, I put the lesson plan down and pulled out the questionnaire. We had a blast! I encourage you to take some time today and get to know your students by asking them a question. “What living person do you most admire?” “What is your greatest fear?” Share your answers. You won’t regret it. I promise.